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次へ: Experiments 上へ: Multi-pitch Detection Algorithm 戻る: Detection of the number

Detection of $ F_0$s and Spectral Envelopes

In the previous process, the ML procedure allows to aqcuire local optimal solutions of $ \mu_k$ without distinction of the true $ F_0$s or the multiples of the true $ F_0$s. Therefore, the true $ F_0$s must somehow be discovered by replacing $ \mu_k$ each by each to their multiples. Consider now that a degree of freedom is given to every $ w_n^k$ and consequently allows to extract the spectral envelope, i.e., the relative amplitudes of the partials. If $ \mu_k$ is lower than the true $ F_0$, the model must be over-fit. From this point of view, the problem of obtaining the true $ F_0$s and the spectral envelope can also be handled with the information criterion. The process shown below is done with all remaining tied-GMMs after the previous process.

  1. Replace the representative means to $ \mu_k\!\!+\!\log t$ where $ t$ is an integer number whose initial value is 1. The number of Gaussians limited below the Nyquist log-frequency is denoted as $ N_k^t$.
  2. Estimate the ML model parameters by EM algorithm. Here we only update $ w_n^k$ and should be updated to
    $\displaystyle \bar{w}_n^k=\displaystyle\frac{1}{F}\int_{-\infty}^{\infty}P_{\theta}(n,k\vert x)dx.$     (13)

  3. Calculate AIC with equation (9). The number of free parameters here is $ N_k^t$. If the AIC increases, the process should be interrupted and the $ \mu_k\!\!+\!\log (n\!-\!1)$ is considered as the detected $ F_0$, and if not, add $ 1$ to $ t$ and return to step1.

図: Detected $ F_0$ contour of a single speaker
図: Reference $ F_0$ contour corresponding to Figure 3

表 1: Results for a single speaker

Speech file
Cepstrum Proposed
`myisda01' 88.2 98.0
`myisda02' 88.4 99.0
`myisda03' 84.8 98.1
`myisda04' 85.1 92.4
`myisda05' 76.8 93.7
`fymsda01' 86.3 98.5
`fymsda02' 87.1 97.5
`fymsda03' 83.3 95.8
`fymsda04' 86.7 96.8
`fymsda05' 85.2 96.0

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次へ: Experiments 上へ: Multi-pitch Detection Algorithm 戻る: Detection of the number