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次へ: Model Parameter Estimation using 上へ: A Maximum Likelihood Formulation 戻る: A Maximum Likelihood Formulation

Model of Harmonic Structures

An influence of a window function and a varying pitch within the short time single analysis frame inevitably cause widening of the spectral harmonics which makes it difficult to extract the precise value of $ F_0$s and to separate close partials. First we assume that each widened partial is a probability distribution of frequencies, approximated by a Gaussian distribution model. Therefore, a single harmonic structure can then be modeled by a tied Gassian mixture model (tied-GMM), in which their means have only 1 degree of freedom. In log-frequency scale, means of tied-GMM are denoted here as $ \mu$$ _k\!\!=\!\{\mu_k,\cdots,$ $ \mu_k\!+\!\log n,\cdots,\mu_k\!\!+\!\log N_k\}$ where $ \mu_k$ ideally corresponds to the $ \log F_0$ of $ k$th sound and $ n$ denotes the index of partials. We then introduce a model of multiple harmonic structures $ P_{\theta}(x)$ which is a mixture of $ K$ tied-GMMs whose model parameter $ \theta$ is denoted as

$\displaystyle \{\theta\}=\{$$\displaystyle \mbox{\boldmath$\mu$}$$\displaystyle _k,$$\displaystyle \mbox{\boldmath$w$}$$\displaystyle _k,\sigma~\vert~k\!=\!1,\cdots,K\},$     (1)

where $ w$$ _k=\{w_1^k,\cdots,w_n^k,\cdots,w_{N_k}^k\}$ and $ \sigma$ indicate the weights and variances (which are briefly assumed here as a constant) of the respective Gaussian distributions.

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次へ: Model Parameter Estimation using 上へ: A Maximum Likelihood Formulation 戻る: A Maximum Likelihood Formulation