Technical Introduction

On-Line Recognition of Handwritten Mathematical Expressions
Based on Stroke-Based Stochastic Context-Free Grammar


Ryo Yamamoto, Shinji Sako, Takuya Nishimoto, Shigeki Sagayama

Sagayama / Ono Lab., The University of Tokyo.



1.      Introduction


The problem of On-line handwritten mathematical expression recognition is to convert a Tablet input mathematical expression into Tex, or C, or matlab strings. This would be useful as an interface for many scientific and educational applications such as graph plotter, Math Expression (ME) editor, ME search engine, or Formula development support system.


Intensive research has already been conducted on this problem, and most of the existing systems take bottom-up, hierarchical approaches. First they segment and recognize symbols of the input stroke sequence and secondly recognize the 2D structure between symbols. Finally, they syntactically analyze the estimated symbols and structure so that the result is grammatically right. But this hierarchical recognition intrinsically faces error correction problems. The system makes hard decisions in each layer, so it cannot correct errors made in lower layers using information in higher layers. To cover this problem, some methods such as simultaneous symbol segmentation and recognition (Kosmala¡Ç98), rejection-based alternative exploration (Garain¡Ç04), and the use of fuzzy logic (Fitzgerald¡Ç06) have been proposed.


For example, the red stroke in each of the expression below has the same shape. But in the first expression, the stroke is 'c', and in the second 'left parenthesis'. This example shows that symbols cannot be determined prior to ME analysis.

In the next example below, the yellow strokes in the first ME should be recognized as 'x', while the yellow stroke in the second should be 'right parenthesis'. This example shows that we cannot even segment symbols prior to the whole ME analysis.

So we need to determine segmentation, symbols, and structure simultaneously considering the grammar.


In the light of this, we aim to build a new Unified Top-Down Framework, instead of Hierarchical, Bottom-Up ones, to this problem. We propose a stochastic generation model of handwritten ME, and we perform recognition with MAP estimation. This method is free from any hard decision process, and thus is free from the error correction problems. Moreover, this modeling will also give a clear viewpoint to existing fuzzy approaches.


2. Proposed Framework


We modeled the generation of handwritten ME with a mathematical grammar written in the form of Context-Free grammar, such as the ones used in C or matlab languages. But there are two differences. First the generation rule includes a PLACEMENT OPERATOR to represent the placement of the nonterminal symbols like "right" or "upperright", marked in BLUE. Second, the terminal symbols are the shape of the strokes themselves, not a string.


Let me show you an example of generation. First, the expression non-terminal symbol is placed at a certain position.

The generation rule #1 is applied and expression, operator, expression, non-terminal symbols are generated, with probability equal to the rewriting probability of the rule. At the same time, the positioning of these non-terminal symbols is stochastically determined according to the placement operators, with probability equal to the positioning probability.

Next, the rule #1 changes the expression to term, also with its rewriting probability. #2, term to factor, #3, factor to power, the powered variable. Rule #4 generates variable and expression with probability equal to the rewriting probability, and the positioning is stochastically determined. The variable turns into y. Rules are applied in the same way.


Note that this model generates STROKES, not SYMBOLS, because the input of Handwritten ME, which we should model, is just a Stroke Sequence, not segmented to form symbols. So for multi-stroke symbols, we introduced stroke generation rules like rule #8. The X generates x-left, and x-right, and the position is stochastically decided.


Finally, the terminal symbols, the shape of the strokes, are generated with rule #9 to 13 stochastically with their Stroke Shape probability of the strokes. In this way, this model generates stochastically the handwritten ME "y powered by 2 minus x".


So far, we modeled the stochastic generation process of positions and shapes of handwritten strokes, and the model is in the form of a Stroke-Based Stochastic CFG. The Rules are extended with placement operators, the non-terminal symbols are associated with positions, and the terminal symbols are the handwritten stroke shapes. The grammar has 3 types of probability: Rewriting, Positioning, and Stroke shape probability.


With this generation model, the recognition problem is to find the Maximum a posteriori derivation tree. In other words, to directly parse the observed handwriting. The 3 probabilities in the model here turn into Prior rewriting probability, Structure likelihood, and Stroke Likelihood for the observation. We should model these probability and likelihoods. We also have to use some search algorithm to find the MAP tree.


Here, we assumed the prior rewriting probability flat, so we in fact performed the maximum likelihood recognition. We modeled the structure likelihood using the Hidden Writing Area (HWA) model that we introduced. We derived the stroke likelihood via HMMs, and used the CYK search algorithm.


3. Stroke and Structure Models


HMM stroke models are simple 10-state left-to-right models. We used x, y, delta-X, delta-Y as the feature vector.



We modeled the positioning of the strokes with the Hidden Writing Area (HWA) model. This model is rather intricated and we shall only explain it very briefly here.


HWA is a Top-Down generation model of stroke positioning. We assume that when we write a ME, we have an imaginary box area to write the ME in our mind, as shown below. And this imaginary box, which we call Hidden Writing Area (HWA), generates the HWAs for the sub-expressions successively, stochastically according to the grammatical structure of the ME as shown in the following figure.



Finally, the HWA for each stroke is stochastically determined, and the Bounding box of the stroke is stochastically placed on the corresponding HWA. The placement tendency is modeled for each stroke, e.g., the stroke 'd' tends to be placed upperward against the HWA, 'y' downward, x-left, leftward. The tendency parameters of Structural positioning and Stroke Positioning are stochastically trained with the EM algorithm. Using this model, we can avoid the bottom-up bounding box problems.


4. Search Algorithm


We used the CYK search algorithm to find the ML tree. First we list the stroke candidates for each stroke with its stroke likelihood. We then combine the candidates in a bottom-up way, multiplying by the structure likelihood. The recognition result comes at the top of the matrix.




4. Experiments


We conducted experiments to validate this framework. Here we compared 4 grammar conditions: NOGRAM, Gram1, Gram2, and Gram3. In the NOGRAM condition, Structure likelihood among symbols is flat. This means that this condition assumes symbols to be randomly placed. So this condition can emulate the baseline symbol-only recognition. The GRAM1 is a simple grammar as TeX. This grammar allows a free sequence of symbols, but they should be arranged, structured. The Gram2 and Gram3 have stronger grammatical constraints than Gram1.


The evaluation set consists of 8 MEs from IEEE articles, each written 10 times by 1 writer. For HWA training, the training set consists in 7 MEs written 40 times by the same writer. 5 MEs are common to the evaluation set. For the training of the positional tendency for each stroke, we require every symbol in the target domain to appear in the expression training data, not isolated character data. Because it is difficult to design a training set to cover all the symbol domain of the evaluation set, we shared some MEs. So the symbol domain is rather small, with 52 symbols here. Basic mathematical 2D structures like sub/super-script, fraction, root, upper-lower-script, accent are modeled.


The segmentation error, symbol recognition error, and baseline error rates are shown here. Although the symbol recognition rate is not very good, because of the very basic modeling with HMM, we can see that all error rates decrease along with the strengthening of the grammatical constraint. Considering that Gram1 has such a small constraint that it permits every symbol sequence, we can see by comparing NoGram to Gram1 that symbol errors decreased thanks to the symbol-structure simultaneous estimation.


Let me show you some examples. The square marks are the stroke recognition error, which decreased along with the grammatical constraint strengthening. Now please look at the strokes marked in yellow. These strokes are "one slash 2", but in symbol-only recognition, it was mis-recognized as 'R'. Using structure and grammar simultaneously, we could correctly recognize these strokes. This is the very example of what we wanted to do at first.



6. Conclusion


In conclusion, aiming at a unified framework for handwritten ME recognition, we proposed a Stroke-Based Stochastic CFG generation model. It consists in a ME grammar with placement operator, where Non-terminal symbols are associated positions, and Terminal Symbols are the stroke shape. We perform recognition of the input with MAP estimation. Here, we assumed that the rewriting probability was flat, used HMM for Stroke Shape probability, HWA for Positioning probability and CYK as the Search algorithm. We confirmed that symbol segmentation and recognition error decreases by performing simultaneously structure estimation and grammatical analysis.


Our future works include evaluation on larger databases, design of an optimal ME grammar, modeling rewriting probability, and application of faster search algorithms.